Monday, September 30, 2013

UHS 27- So Many Raccoons...

UHS 27- So Many Raccons...

Sam and Carson are on there own this week, and they answer everything. All the questions. Who, what, when, where, why, what, who, why these words keep repeating. Contrary to popular belief, Raccoons aren't involved. In fact, I don't know if I'm even spelling raccoons right. Does blogger correct incorrect spellations of words? Crap, we forgot to answer that this week.

UHS 26- Pokemon Movie Commentary

UHS 26- Pokemon Movie Commentary

Sam and Kyle hate Carson, but they shouldn't, since he edits the fluffing show. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I WIN. Also, Pokemon.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

UHS 25.5- Part Deaux. Boo.

UHS 25.5- Part Deaux. Boo.

PART 2/2 Of our episode with Callie Pruitt and Gabbie Kuse. They are under the impression that everybody knows that it is in fact kyle.

UHS 25- Abandon Ship 2016

UHS 25- Abandon Ship 2016

Our Useless Heroes are joined by Callie Pruitt (Vocal talent, Whale Calls) and Gabbie Kuse (Holmes Is Where The Heart Is, 1828), and they find out what happens when Carson and Kyle go to sleep at night, and more equally disturbing things

Monday, September 16, 2013

UHS 25.5- Part Deaux. Boo.

UHS 25.5- Part Deaux. Boo.

PART 2/2 Of our episode with Callie Pruitt and Gabbie Kuse. They are under the impression that everybody knows that it is in fact kyle.

UHS 25- Abandon Ship 2016

UHS 25- Abandon Ship 2016

Our Useless Heroes are joined by Callie Pruitt (Vocal talent, Whale Calls) and Gabbie Kuse (Holmes Is Where The Heart Is, 1828), and they find out what happens when Carson and Kyle go to sleep at night, and more equally disturbing things

UHS 24- Agua Mala Commentary Track

UHS 24- Agua Mala Commentary Track

Sam & Carson talk over the X-Files episode "Agua Mala". HILARITY INSUES.

UHS 23- Oh Kyle, Always Assuming Things

UHS 23- Oh Kyle, Always Assuming Things

Carson XY is explained, Total Recall remake totally happened, and Kyle assaults Carson... No one really knows what happened with that whole fiasco.